Le 19 juin dernier a eu lieu un déjeuner d’affaires destiné aux entrepreneurs intéressés à en apprendre davantage sur l’économie circulaire et désirant trouver des stratégies pour optimiser l’utilisation des ressources.
This exercise can be done both individually and in groups. To do this, we will write a total of twenty words on paper. Then we will cut them out, and put them in a bag or box. Next, we will ask participants to come up with a total of ten words. Once they have all removed, they will write a story in which to include as many as possible of those who removed. In this case, the children will be asked to choose an object from those around them. On a sheet, they will have to write the history of that object. As if he were the one to tell it and with as many details as possible. It is one of the most common creative writing exercises for children. In this case, it is about showing the children a sequence of three bullets without words. And ask them to
Read Full Report, under each one, to write what is happening in order to create a complete story. For this exercise, we must have at least two children. The first of the participants will tell the other how their day has been. To do this, you will be asked to include all possible details: what you did in the morning, what you ate for breakfast, what activities I carry out, etc. When the first child is finished, the second child will be asked to turn everything his partner has told him into a magical story, adding all the fantastic elements that make it more fun. Then, you will read the new story « based on real events » to the other child. When you are finished, the roles will be reversed.
Cette activité s’est déroulée en deux étapes. Tout d’abord, les participants ont eu droit à des présentations de projets de symbioses industrielles en cours au Québec, et par la suite, une activité de maillage a permis de constater le fort potentiel de synergies à développer sur le territoire métropolitain. Plus de 40 personnes, principalement des entrepreneurs, mais également divers intervenants impliqués en gestion des matières résiduelles étaient présents. Leur enthousiasme ainsi que la grande participation a fait de cet événement un réel succès!
Cette activité était offerte par la CMQ, en partenariat avec la Ville de Québec, et a été organisée conjointement avec Économie circulaire Capitale-Nationale.